About the Filmmakers

On location at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, 2011

On location at the Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary, 2011

A few words from the director:

It takes a great team to create a great film and I am lucky to be working with an “A” list of professionals. When I set out to direct Running Wild I took my trusted DP, Mauro Brattoli. Over the last two decades we had worked together on many projects and he was at my side when I first encountered Dayton 20 years ago. Mauro and I knew then that we met someone deserving of a feature film.

Working with Barbara Kopple on New Passages in 1996 gave me an opportunity to revisit Dayton. Several years later Kopple encouraged me to begin shootingRunning Wild with her simple advice, “Just start shooting.”

R.A. Fedde joined our team when she crafted a series of early trailers for Running Wild. Today, with many films to her credit, Fedde is leading us down the home stretch.

— Suzanne Mitchell